Silo Season 2: The Safeguard Explained
2 hours ago
The ultimate face-off. Upon first tasting the Homemade Vanilla, we found it was one of the most smooth and custard like ice creams we've ever had. In fact, it was so rich a velvety, you could actually taste the heavy cream. When compared with our original number one, we can admit that Blue Blue was a better blended experience -- milk, sugar, cream and all. However, we will say this. We still believe Breyer's has a stronger vanilla taste and we like that fact that it doesn't have high fructose corn syrup in it (Blue Bell does), but the sweet ending of the Homemade Vanilla brought us back to our childhood and we almost finished the container in one sitting.
Overall Winner: Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla
A new study shows that astronauts can become as weak as 80-year-olds after six months at the International Space Station.
The research raises serious health concerns as NASA contemplates prolonged trips to asteroids and Mars. Weakness could be an issue during an emergency landing on Earth or an urgent spacewalk on the red planet.
The Marquette University biologist who led the study stresses that the accelerated space aging is temporary. Astronauts' muscles recover after a few months back on Earth.
And he thinks astronauts can avoid becoming weaklings with more research and the right exercise equipment in space.
A salmonella outbreak that sickened hundreds and led to the recall of hundreds of millions of eggs from one Iowa firm will likely grow, federal health officials said Thursday.
Much of the investigation so far has been centered on restaurants in California, Colorado, Minnesota and North Carolina.
The eggs were distributed around the country and packaged under the names Lucerne, Albertson, Mountain Dairy, Ralph's, Boomsma's, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Farm Fresh, Shoreland, Lund, Dutch Farms and Kemp.
Subtle is a cousin of beautiful.
Subtle design and messaging challenge the user to make her own connections instead of spelling out every detail. Connections we make are more powerful than connections made for us. If Amazon and Zappos had been called "" and "" it might have made some early investors happy, but they would have built little of value.
Subtle details demonstrate power. Instead of being in an urgent hurry to yell about every feature or benefit, you demonstrate confidence by taking your time and allowing people to explore. They don't put huge banners on the Hermes store, announcing how good the silk is and how many famous people shop there...
And subtle messaging communicates insider status. I don't have to say, "Hey I was in Skull and
Bones too! You should hire me!" Instead, a subtle (secret) handshake does all the talking that's needed.
It's tempting to turn the dial all the way to 11, the make everything just a bit louder. The opposite is precisely what you might need.
I'm aware of the oxymoronic nature of spelling out details about subtlety. At least I didn't explicitly point out the Spinal Tap reference.
Remember that new type if glass that you touted in the iPhone 4 debut video that was so strong? FAIL.
Ask most people what happiness means, and they will talk about feeling good, or about things that give them pleasure. This is especially unfortunate here in America, since “happiness” is an essential concept in our nation’s founding. We all know the famous words of the Declaration of Independence: that all men are endowed with certain inalienable rights, among these the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Well, this does not mean that humans are endowed with the right to feel good, or to act in a way that pleases them. Robbing a bank may make thieves feel happy, but to claim the right to pursue that line of work would be absurd. Happiness is not self-gratification.
So what, then, does happiness mean? Our founding fathers understood the pursuit of happiness to mean the pursuit of a virtuous life. This concept of happiness comes from the Greek word eudaimonia—which refers to a life well-lived, a life rooted in truth. That is what happiness means, and that is what every man and woman has an inalienable right to pursue—a virtuous life.
Earth is bracing for a cosmic tsunami Tuesday night as tons of plasma from a massive solar flare head directly toward the planet.
The Sun's surface erupted early Sunday morning, shooting a wall of ionized atoms directly at Earth, scientists say. It is expected to create a geomagnetic storm and a spectacular light show -- and it could pose a threat to satellites in orbit, as well.
"This eruption is directed right at us and is expected to get here early in the day on Aug. 4," said Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. "It's the first major Earth-directed eruption in quite some time."
Fortunately for Earth-bound observers, the atmosphere filters out nearly all of the radiation from the solar blast. The flare shouldn't pose a health hazard, Golub told
"It's because of our atmosphere," he explained, "which absorbs the radiation, as well as the magnetic field of the Earth, which deflects any magnetic particles produced."
The radiation "almost never" makes it to ground, he noted, though pilots and passengers in airplanes may experience increased radiation levels akin to getting an X-ray.
Sokobanja Says:
August 3rd, 2010 at 8:01 pm
You should not be doing that
The government is expected to announce on Wednesday that three-quarters of the oil from the Deepwater Horizon leak has already evaporated, dispersed, been captured or otherwise eliminated -- and that much of the rest is so diluted that it does not seem to pose much additional risk of harm.