Silo Season 2: The Safeguard Explained
2 hours ago
Michael Stipe & Co. made the announcement in a posting on their official site this morning, breaking the news by thanking their loyal fans for 31 years (!) of listening.
"To our Fans and Friends: As R.E.M., and as lifelong friends and coconspirators, we have decided to call it a day as a band," the band wrote.
"We walk away with a great sense of gratitude, of finality, and of astonishment at all we have accomplished. To anyone who ever felt touched by our music, our deepest thanks for listening."
A T-Mobile exec has reportedly denied claims that the wireless operator will land iPhone 5 during the 2011 calendar year, leaving the German carrier as the only major U.S. cell service provider not expected to participate in Apple's launch next month.
The comments were reportedly made by T-Mobile's chief marketing officer Cole Brodman in a corporate newsletter distributed internally on September 15th, a copy of which was photographed and shared with
“We are not going to get the iPhone 5 this year,” Brodman allegedly told T-Mobile employees, without further expanding on the matter....and he's correct. But here's the secret: NOBODY is getting an iPhone 5 this year. What will be announced (and released) next month is the iPhone 4 S.
Hi James, |
We're trying out a new feature to reduce the amount of email you receive from Facebook. Starting today, we are turning off most individual email notifications and instead, we'll send you a summary only if there are popular stories you may have missed. |
You can turn individual emails back on and restore all your original settings at any time. |
Thanks, Dear Facebook, QUIT MESSING AROUND WITH MY SETTING, ESPECIALLY MY PRIVACY AND NOTIFICATION SETTINGS!!! It turns out that I LIKE getting e-mail when people send me messages or respond to my posts. It lets me know that I need to go out to Facebook to interact (because, no, I don't spend all day wasting time on your site.) You just keep disregarding the my preferences... I REALLY hate it when you change my feed to "Top Stories" instead of "Most Recent" without my knowledge. I despise it when, after I've gotten my privacy setting JUST the way I want them, you come along and start turning things back on again because you changed your privacy policy or added a new feature. And per your e-mail this morning, I don't want to have to go and turn things BACK ON. I want you to respect the settings that I've already chosen. Please leave your interface alone for awhile. Having to learn a new interface three or four times a year is REALLY annoying. I don't want you to put a chat bar on the left side of my screen. The old chat wasn't broken. I don't want lists on the right side of my screen. I hate having to search for my own photos. Change your interface maybe once a year, if then. I think you've got a pretty good interface going, but you keep monkeying with it, and most times I don't understand why. For instance, six months ago, when I clicked on a friend's photo, it took me to a photo page that looked like the rest of the site. Then about three months ago, when I clicked on the same photo, a black popup screen came up containing the photo. And now it's a white pop-up screen. And the worst part is that each of those three pages acts COMPLETELY differently. Ugh! I've been teetering on the edge of quitting you anyway. All these interface changes may just push me over the edge. No website should require this much work on my part. No website is worth the amount of energy I have to expend to keep trying to figure you out. I suppose you're trying to "stay fresh" and to innovate. Fine. Innovate, but please keep it to once a year or so. This constant monkeying is really pissing me off. -James [Edit 1] - Now I have to be on the lookout for little blue triangles????!!!?? What is this - an episode of Dora the Explorer? Oh, you DO know how to get at me, don't you? AND HOW THE HELL DO YOU GET BACK TO "MOST RECENT?" AAAAAAAARGH!!!! [Edit 2] - And so now I have to click somewhere just to bring up a text box so I can post a status? There's no box waiting there, wondering what I'm thinking? WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT, FACEBOOK?!?!?! |
Pause a moment on the Buffett Rule. Almost all of Warren Buffett’s income comes from capital gains taxed at 15 percent. He only pays himself $100,000 a year, which would be taxed at the top rate. Most of his wealth is untaxed as unrealized capital gains. So his effective income-tax rate is lower than his secretary’s.
My reaction to the first line: "Sweet, they're rolling back the price hike." Then: "Wait, they're not rolling it back." Then: "Wait, what? Two companies? I'm so confused."
Netflix CEO Reed Hastings sent a letter to subscribers on Monday, admitting he "messed up" and announcing that it would spin off its DVD and Blu-ray-based mailing business as a new service dubbed "Qwikster."
The company's changes come in response to a subscriber backlash that was spurred by higher prices for rentals of physical DVDs. Hastings said the pricing for combined streaming, via Netflix, and mailed rentals, from Qwikster, will remain the same as it is currently.
I was in West Texas and Possum Kingdom earlier in the year shooting shots of wildfire aftermath there. And while I saw quite a lit of damage there, I think I was moved more by what I saw yesterday, possibly because it's a more familiar place and possibly because while there was a lot of cactus and mesquites burned out in West Texas, there wasn't the kind of tree and vegetation damage as in Bastrop.
Here are some of the shots that I took yesterday: