There's something that's bugged me for a long time, and that's how people choose to spell "barbecue." I have no idea why it bothers me so much, but it does.
First and foremost, it is NOT spelled BBQ or (God forbid) B-B-Q. That's pronounced "beebeecue." I shudder just thinking about the backwoodedness of this spelling. "But it's an acronym," you say. Actually, by definition an acronym is a series of letters made up by taking the first letter of a string of words. If it's supposed to be an abbreviation, it should at least be BarBQ.
Next is a somewhat more acceptable spelling, which is "barbeque." This is also incorrect because it would be pronounced "bar-be-quey." To make it sound out correctly, it should be spelled "barbequeue," and that just looks wrong.
No - I maintain that the one true and correct spelling is "barbecue." It reads and sounds exactly the way it should. It's concise and doesn't use the letter "q," which is a weird letter anyway and has no place in the way a man cooks meat.
There. I'm glad I've gotten that off my chest.
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