Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Today is One of the Most Important Days of Your Life

One simple message today: VOTE!

It's raining here in Destructoville today, but even if it were flooding, that wouldn't stop me from getting out to vote. We live in civilized society. We don't take down our leaders with military force. This is the closest thing we have to a coup. Today we're going to shift our government back in the right direction. It may be a small step, and one that we will need to keep making in the coming years. This election is not the end of the work. But it's a step, at least. It's a step that will say to our government that it works for us and that constant encroachment into our freedoms, into our lives and into our wallets is NOT okay. And this message goes for both Democrats and Republicans, alike. We. Will. Throw. Your. Ass. Out.

So just remember today while you're voting what the Democrats have done to our country - done to us - and have tried to do to us in the last six years, and especially in the last two. Remember Porkulus. Remember Cap & Trade. Remember Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac. Remember Czars. Remember the Health Care bill. Remember all the new fees and regulations. Remember that they refused to renew the Bush tax cuts. Remember how defiant they were toward their constituents during the town hall meetings of '09 - and then refusing to have them again in '10. Remember all the handouts of OUR money. Remember the divisiveness. Remember the constant class warfare. Remember them raising the debt ceiling - twice. Remember the recession. Remember the gutting of NASA. Remember the government takeover of Ford and GM. Remember the new 1099 regualtions. Remember that Democrats exempted themselves from most of the laws they subjected us to. And remember that Obama wanted this election to be a referendum on his policies, as well. Let it.

See you on the other side of the election, friends.

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