Thursday, December 30, 2010
Beautiful and Intriguing
I get how they make the dancers fly. How in the world did they get the musicians and the bells to levitate? Magnets? Invisible wire?
I got a great idea for a chair for my desk while watching this video.
Freaking cool.
Thanks to my Grandma for passing this along.
stuff from Grandma,
things that are awesome,
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Alfred W. Evans For President
This was taken from the Waco Tribune Herald, Waco, TX, 18 Nov. 2010
Put me in charge...
Put me in charge of food stamps. I’d get rid of Lone Star Cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho’s, just money for
50-pound bags of rice and beans, blocks of cheese, and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want steak
And frozen pizza...get a job.
Put me in charge of Medicaid. We’ll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and piercings.
If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, smoke or get Tats and piercings...get a job.
Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good
State of repair. Your “home” will be subject to inspections anytime, and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a
Plasma TV or Xbox 360...get a job and your own place.
In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a “government” job. It may be cleaning the roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, Whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the “common good.”
Before you write that I’ve violated someone’s rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say this would be “demeaning” and ruin their “self esteem,” consider that it wasn’t that long ago when taking someone else’s money for doing absolutely nothing was Demeaning and lowered self esteem.
If we are expected to pay for other people’s mistakes we should At least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.
Alfred W. Evans, Gatesville, Texas
Damn straight. I'd love to shake this guy's hand.
Thanks to my Grandma for sending this.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Faces of Evil at Christmas
From the Daily Mail:

Two thoughts here:
1. Absolutely beautiful photos, technically speaking. I love the shallow depth of field. But look at the lack of expression on the faces of Nazi soldiers. If I had to describe it in a word, it would be "soul-less."
2. Interesting that today, almost 70 years later some people are trying to remove religion from Christmas by using the same tactics that Hitler did.

The pictures from December 18, which have only just come to light, show Hitler and his generals at a party for SS officer cadets in Munich.
But the Nazi Christmas was far from traditional.
Hitler believed religion had no place in his 1,000-year Reich, so he replaced the Christian figure of Saint Nicholas with the Norse god Odin and urged Germans to celebrate the season as a holiday of the ‘winter solstice’, rather than Christmas.
Two thoughts here:
1. Absolutely beautiful photos, technically speaking. I love the shallow depth of field. But look at the lack of expression on the faces of Nazi soldiers. If I had to describe it in a word, it would be "soul-less."
2. Interesting that today, almost 70 years later some people are trying to remove religion from Christmas by using the same tactics that Hitler did.
The Case for Santa Claus

There are a lot of people out there who say that Santa Claus has no place in Christmas. They don't believe in Santa and he doesn't come to their house. These are the same people for whom Christmas is about Jesus' birth - and only about Jesus' birth. They say that Santa takes away from Christmas' Christian purpose by distracting from its religious meaning.
Of course Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus. No one disputes that. But why must these Santa-haters be so literal? After all, it's been fairly well documented that Jesus was probably born in the fall, not in December. But Anti-Santites still celebrate Christmas in December. There's also the Christmas tree, the origins of which are muddy and uncertain, but which has become a symbol of Christmas. Most Ant-Santites I've ever met still have a Christmas tree nonetheless.
Regardless of the literal meanings of Christmas and its customary trappings, Santa remains its most visible mascot, and I say that it's a good thing. I think that Santa is a primer for the very reason for Christmas and is a great allegory for God Himself. At a very early age, we learn to believe - with all of our heart and being - about Santa Claus. We can't see Santa, but we're certain he exists. The very act of believing in him bring good things in the form of wonder and presents. It's not until later in life when our jaded and skeptical mind takes over that we even consider that there might not be such a thing as Santa. But there are those of us who still believe in him, regardless, or at least (and this is where the metaphor diverts from God) what he stands for. But the fact is that Santa, to most kids, is a vital instrument in learning to believe in the unseen - to take on faith something that they can't see or touch or even verify. And isn't that same belief - the belief in the heart and not in the head - the same belief that tells us that that there is, in fact, a God and that Jesus is real?
And for that, I say that Santa is perhaps the most important part of Christmas. Anti-Santites would do well to realize that we're not worshiping Santa. He's not an idol. He's a symbol. Strip away the presents and the stockings and all the trappings of modern Santa mythology and you'll find love, selflessness and faith - things that Christianity is also about. Santa actually teaches us how to better Christians, if we can just look past the obvious commercialism.
So thanks, Santa, for teaching us to believe. I still believe in you with all my heart.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
17 Years And Counting

From the Houston Chronicle:
In 1993, Bill Clinton was in his first year as president. Gasoline cost $1.16 a gallon. Unforgiven won the Oscar for Best Picture. A stamp cost 29 cents. The final episode of Cheers was viewed by 80.4 million people. Michael Jackson performed at halftime of Dallas’ 52-17 victory over Buffalo in Super Bowl XXVII.
And 1993 was the last time a pro football team from Houston made the playoffs.
Before the largest crowd in Astrodome history, the Oilers lost to Kansas City 28-20 in the divisional round.
Seventeen years later, Houston still doesn’t have a playoff team.
I remember that Kansas City game well. My Christmas gift to my dad that year was tickets to that playoff game. I was still in high school, and it seems like a lifetime ago. Actually, it was almost half my lifetime. My brother, who is a senior in high school, was born that year - and no Houston team has even made it to the playoffs in his entire lifetime?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Open Letter to Santa's Wonderland
Dear Santa's Wonderland in College Station,
You've finally done it. You thought you were clever. You thought you were slick. You thought that you could continue bending us over year after year and that we wouldn't notice. You were wrong, jack. You've pissed me off again, and this time I'm taking to my blog (and to Facebook) to spread the word about your greedy crap.
It wasn't bad enough that you've been raising prices year after year so that it now costs almost $100 for my family to come out for a visit. It wasn't enough that you added a charge just to get in to "Santa's town" despite the fact that once inside the only thing that one can do for free is to sit by the fire in the middle. Then another charge for Santa. And another to see the lights. And another for the kids to ride the donkeys. Then there's food. And shopping. And kettle corn. And cocoa. Nickle and dime, nickle and dime, it's death by a thousand paper cuts with you isn't it?
And I've written you e-mails in the past that have gone unanswered (nay, ignored) regarding my displeasure with your exorbitant pricing. But yet Santa's Wonderland has remained part of my family's tradition in spite of your greedy crap. Every year, I've swallowed my pride and have agreed to bring my family out just because you have the best Santa anywhere. But this year, I've had enough - and here's why:
I got your e-mails that proclaimed "save money and time by buying your tickets online!" According to your website, I would be saving $2.00 per ticket. There are four of us in my family, so I thought "why not? Saving $8.00 is something, at least." So I proceeded to your (crappy) website to pre-order my tickets. That's where I saw this offer:

So I go to order, and I find this:

I'm just about to click "continue" when I happen to notice this at the top of the page:

Ebenezer Scrooge would be proud, indeed, you slimy S.o.B.s. That $2.00 per ticket savings is all but erased by a $1.50 per ticket "service fee." That's deceptive advertising at its finest.
I just want you to know that I'm going to bring my family out tonight because we already promised the kids we would and because I (unlike you) am not into pulling the rug out from under people at the last minute. But this will be the last year I bring my family - or recommend you to other families - unless you get your act together.
What you need to do is to not charge people just to come in and look around. Drop that stupid entry fee, or at the very least give people something for it, such as a free bag of kettle corn or a cup of hot chocolate. I know, I know... as you state on your FAQ page
So there it is. I wish you the best of luck - I really do. In a few years when your attendance starts to dwindle because people can't afford to pay through the nose to see some Christmas lights and an Elvis impersonator, send me an e-mail and ask me to come back. And don't try to pull a fast one like you did this year, either. People love Christmas. People love to have a good time and see pretty lights and take their kids to see Santa. But people don't like to be raped at Christmas, even in the name of "overhead." And people really, really don't like deceptive offers that come with hidden fees.
You've finally done it. You thought you were clever. You thought you were slick. You thought that you could continue bending us over year after year and that we wouldn't notice. You were wrong, jack. You've pissed me off again, and this time I'm taking to my blog (and to Facebook) to spread the word about your greedy crap.
It wasn't bad enough that you've been raising prices year after year so that it now costs almost $100 for my family to come out for a visit. It wasn't enough that you added a charge just to get in to "Santa's town" despite the fact that once inside the only thing that one can do for free is to sit by the fire in the middle. Then another charge for Santa. And another to see the lights. And another for the kids to ride the donkeys. Then there's food. And shopping. And kettle corn. And cocoa. Nickle and dime, nickle and dime, it's death by a thousand paper cuts with you isn't it?
And I've written you e-mails in the past that have gone unanswered (nay, ignored) regarding my displeasure with your exorbitant pricing. But yet Santa's Wonderland has remained part of my family's tradition in spite of your greedy crap. Every year, I've swallowed my pride and have agreed to bring my family out just because you have the best Santa anywhere. But this year, I've had enough - and here's why:
I got your e-mails that proclaimed "save money and time by buying your tickets online!" According to your website, I would be saving $2.00 per ticket. There are four of us in my family, so I thought "why not? Saving $8.00 is something, at least." So I proceeded to your (crappy) website to pre-order my tickets. That's where I saw this offer:

So I go to order, and I find this:

I'm just about to click "continue" when I happen to notice this at the top of the page:

Ebenezer Scrooge would be proud, indeed, you slimy S.o.B.s. That $2.00 per ticket savings is all but erased by a $1.50 per ticket "service fee." That's deceptive advertising at its finest.
I just want you to know that I'm going to bring my family out tonight because we already promised the kids we would and because I (unlike you) am not into pulling the rug out from under people at the last minute. But this will be the last year I bring my family - or recommend you to other families - unless you get your act together.
What you need to do is to not charge people just to come in and look around. Drop that stupid entry fee, or at the very least give people something for it, such as a free bag of kettle corn or a cup of hot chocolate. I know, I know... as you state on your FAQ page
"there are considerable costs associated with creating the "Ultimate" Texas Christmas experience. Christmas lights, holiday displays, electrical supplies and personnel are just a few to mention."I understand that you have overhead, but you don't see the mall charging admission at Christmas time just to cover the cost of decorating, do you? They have a Santa, too, you know.
So there it is. I wish you the best of luck - I really do. In a few years when your attendance starts to dwindle because people can't afford to pay through the nose to see some Christmas lights and an Elvis impersonator, send me an e-mail and ask me to come back. And don't try to pull a fast one like you did this year, either. People love Christmas. People love to have a good time and see pretty lights and take their kids to see Santa. But people don't like to be raped at Christmas, even in the name of "overhead." And people really, really don't like deceptive offers that come with hidden fees.
open letter,
stupid people
What's Next: Government Investigates Doping in Professional Backgammon
From the NY Daily News:
Damn, the government sure spends a lot of money trying to catch just one guy who may or may not be using something that isn't illegal - just banned in his sport - a sport the vast majority of Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about.
Who really cares? And is it worth all the time and government resources we're spending trying to prove that Lance Armstrong is on the juice? I think not.
I want my taxes credited for the amount of this crap investigation.
Former pro cyclist Floyd Landis, who has accused his sport's biggest hero, Lance Armstrong, of doping, helped the federal government collect potentially incriminating audio and video recordings for its sprawling investigation into doping conspiracies in professional cycling, according to sources close to the case.
Last spring, at the behest of federal agents, Landis wore a hidden wire and carried a small portable video camera during an encounter with fashion designer and cycling team owner Michael Ball, according to one source who said the video footage captured images of what appears to be human growth hormone and other doping products in the refrigerator of Ball's luxury apartment in Marina Del Rey, Calif.
Damn, the government sure spends a lot of money trying to catch just one guy who may or may not be using something that isn't illegal - just banned in his sport - a sport the vast majority of Americans couldn't give a rat's ass about.
Who really cares? And is it worth all the time and government resources we're spending trying to prove that Lance Armstrong is on the juice? I think not.
I want my taxes credited for the amount of this crap investigation.
government interference,
government waste,
Thursday, December 16, 2010
The Cloud With the Gray Area Lining
From the Guardian:
Count me in the "I like to have control over my data" crowd.
"I think that marketers like "cloud computing" because it is devoid of substantive meaning. The term's meaning is not substance, it's an attitude: 'Let any Tom, Dick and Harry hold your data, let any Tom, Dick and Harry do your computing for you (and control it).' Perhaps the term 'careless computing' would suit it better."
He sees a creeping problem: "I suppose many people will continue moving towards careless computing, because there's a sucker born every minute. The US government may try to encourage people to place their data where the US government can seize it without showing them a search warrant, rather than in their own property. However, as long as enough of us continue keeping our data under our own control, we can still do so. And we had better do so, or the option may disappear."
Count me in the "I like to have control over my data" crowd.
geeky stuff,
We Still Need Optical
This morning, I was reading through one of my favorite sites, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, and came across the following sentence in a story by Michael Grothaus about the possibility of new Mac hardware next year:
I've noticed the clamor for dropping optical (CD & DVD) drives is starting to ramp up, and I want to weigh in on the debate. We need optical. DVDs aren't dead, and neither are CDs. In a MacBook, which is intended for travel it's especially important because the whole reason for having a laptop is to be able to do any (or most) of the kind of work that you would be able to do on a desktop, but away from your desk. Sometimes that includes mastering a DVD or burning a CD. Many times that simply means watching a DVD on a plane or in a hotel. "But broadband..." is the cry. "Streaming!" I hear. You can't stream a movie on a plane, affordably. And many, many hotels I've been to - including some really, really nice $300-a-night hotels - technically have broadband, but it's either so spotty or so slow that it's impossible to stream movies or much data. And it's important to note upfront that people still watch DVDs. Redbox is booming because of it. Then there are freelancers like me who video events and other functions and sell the DVDs. How would that entertainment be delivered if not for DVDs?
Look at this also - how is information delivered most easily and cheaply? Optical. Optical media has gotten so inexpensive that it's easy and painless to throw it away. The same can't be said for flash media.
For example, earlier in the year I shot portraits of each of the fourteen members of our Board of Directors at work. While they were in meetings I edited and retouched their photos and gave each of them their photos on disc before they left at the end of the day. I burned the images to a CD-R, and most of the discs contained only about 50MB of data. The discs cost about $.25 apiece. Easy and cheap. If I had had no optical drive, I would have been forced to to do one of three things:
1. put the images on separate flash drives and give them the drives to take with them
2. put the images somewhere on an FTP server for them to download
3. connect their laptop to mine and copy the files over
But each of these options is horribly flawed. First, flash media is still expensive, and you can't buy tons of flash drives at a time like you can buy CDs or DVDs on a spindle pack. A quick check at shows that the cheapest flash drive is about $5.00, which makes the cost of giving each of the Directors their images $70.00, instead of $3.50 on CD.
FTP is a great digital option, assuming that you have a fast internet connection. Many of our Directors (and still much of the country in general) live in areas where internet services are still painfully slow. That, and downloading from an FTP server requires technical knowledge that many people just don't have (especially some of our 70-year-old Board members.) You don't want to ask your Board of Directors to have to go out and download their photo - it causes friction. And causing friction is a great way to be forced to find a new job.
Then there's the file sharing option. That first assumes that the Director has their laptop with them at all times. Many times, they leave it in their car or in their hotel room. Then there's the issue of time. It takes seconds to hand each Director a CD with their photos on it. To hook up each Director's laptop to mine would take quite awhile. Let's assume that the connection process goes flawlessly for each of the fourteen Directors (which is a huge and peril-filled assumption to begin with). It would take about a minute or so to copy the files to their hard drive and disconnect. So what only took seconds with optical media has now turned into something that requires 15 minutes of time of some of the busiest people in the company. And how many top executives do you know that want to sit around and wait for 15 minutes for something? See my friction comment above and then see the unemployment line.
Then there's data archiving. Optical media is still the best way to simply and quickly archive something. I have a drawer full of DVDs with old production files that I don't want to have to keep on my hard drive. But I know I have them just in case I ever need them. And I want an optical drive to be able to read them if I need to.
I find the people who say that it's time to sell computers without optical drives very short-sighted and somewhat selfish. It comes mostly from tech writers and people for whom it wouldn't cause much inconvenience. It's not the same argument as removing floppy drives in favor of optical a decade ago. That was replacing an antiquated technology with a newer, better one. The problem is that optical media is still relevant today, and if they could find a new optical technology that would hold more data, it would be even more so. Removing optical drives from computers gives the user no good alternatives except digital delivery, and I've shown that in the real-world work environment - especially in laptops - sometimes that's just not a viable choice.
The time for killing optical is coming, but it's not now, and it's not in 2011.
"Personally, I'm hoping Apple drops the optical drive from at least one of the 15-inch MacBook Pros and throws in 512 GB solid-state drives across the line."
I've noticed the clamor for dropping optical (CD & DVD) drives is starting to ramp up, and I want to weigh in on the debate. We need optical. DVDs aren't dead, and neither are CDs. In a MacBook, which is intended for travel it's especially important because the whole reason for having a laptop is to be able to do any (or most) of the kind of work that you would be able to do on a desktop, but away from your desk. Sometimes that includes mastering a DVD or burning a CD. Many times that simply means watching a DVD on a plane or in a hotel. "But broadband..." is the cry. "Streaming!" I hear. You can't stream a movie on a plane, affordably. And many, many hotels I've been to - including some really, really nice $300-a-night hotels - technically have broadband, but it's either so spotty or so slow that it's impossible to stream movies or much data. And it's important to note upfront that people still watch DVDs. Redbox is booming because of it. Then there are freelancers like me who video events and other functions and sell the DVDs. How would that entertainment be delivered if not for DVDs?
Look at this also - how is information delivered most easily and cheaply? Optical. Optical media has gotten so inexpensive that it's easy and painless to throw it away. The same can't be said for flash media.
For example, earlier in the year I shot portraits of each of the fourteen members of our Board of Directors at work. While they were in meetings I edited and retouched their photos and gave each of them their photos on disc before they left at the end of the day. I burned the images to a CD-R, and most of the discs contained only about 50MB of data. The discs cost about $.25 apiece. Easy and cheap. If I had had no optical drive, I would have been forced to to do one of three things:
1. put the images on separate flash drives and give them the drives to take with them
2. put the images somewhere on an FTP server for them to download
3. connect their laptop to mine and copy the files over
But each of these options is horribly flawed. First, flash media is still expensive, and you can't buy tons of flash drives at a time like you can buy CDs or DVDs on a spindle pack. A quick check at shows that the cheapest flash drive is about $5.00, which makes the cost of giving each of the Directors their images $70.00, instead of $3.50 on CD.
FTP is a great digital option, assuming that you have a fast internet connection. Many of our Directors (and still much of the country in general) live in areas where internet services are still painfully slow. That, and downloading from an FTP server requires technical knowledge that many people just don't have (especially some of our 70-year-old Board members.) You don't want to ask your Board of Directors to have to go out and download their photo - it causes friction. And causing friction is a great way to be forced to find a new job.
Then there's the file sharing option. That first assumes that the Director has their laptop with them at all times. Many times, they leave it in their car or in their hotel room. Then there's the issue of time. It takes seconds to hand each Director a CD with their photos on it. To hook up each Director's laptop to mine would take quite awhile. Let's assume that the connection process goes flawlessly for each of the fourteen Directors (which is a huge and peril-filled assumption to begin with). It would take about a minute or so to copy the files to their hard drive and disconnect. So what only took seconds with optical media has now turned into something that requires 15 minutes of time of some of the busiest people in the company. And how many top executives do you know that want to sit around and wait for 15 minutes for something? See my friction comment above and then see the unemployment line.
Then there's data archiving. Optical media is still the best way to simply and quickly archive something. I have a drawer full of DVDs with old production files that I don't want to have to keep on my hard drive. But I know I have them just in case I ever need them. And I want an optical drive to be able to read them if I need to.
I find the people who say that it's time to sell computers without optical drives very short-sighted and somewhat selfish. It comes mostly from tech writers and people for whom it wouldn't cause much inconvenience. It's not the same argument as removing floppy drives in favor of optical a decade ago. That was replacing an antiquated technology with a newer, better one. The problem is that optical media is still relevant today, and if they could find a new optical technology that would hold more data, it would be even more so. Removing optical drives from computers gives the user no good alternatives except digital delivery, and I've shown that in the real-world work environment - especially in laptops - sometimes that's just not a viable choice.
The time for killing optical is coming, but it's not now, and it's not in 2011.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hall of What?
From M&C:
Who the hell is Tom Waits? A quick search on his Wikipedia page doesn't help much, except to confirm that he's not a superstar, hasn't had much commercial success in the United States and has a cult following.
I think that to be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, people -at least most people - should have at least either heard of the performer (or band) or should at least be somewhat familiar (or even have heard) some of their music. I think that to be in the Hall or Fame, the performer should have the distinction of having made a dent - or a scar - on the music world and that their music is a part of the American fabric. It's called the Hall of Fame, after all.
How Rush isn't in the Hall of Fame yet is beyond me. How Alice Cooper and Bon Jovi aren't in yet, either, is equally puzzling. Kinda makes me dubious of the Hall altogether.
Veteran singers Neil Diamond, Tom Waits and Alice Cooper are to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame next year, the fabled institution has announced.
Also granted the prestigious honour were Dr John and Darlene Love. Other nominees such as Bon Jovi, as well as multiple nominees LL Cool J, Donna Summer, the Beastie Boys, J Geils Band, Chuck Willis, Chic and Joe Tex will have to wait for another year. The awards will be presented on March 14 in New York.
Who the hell is Tom Waits? A quick search on his Wikipedia page doesn't help much, except to confirm that he's not a superstar, hasn't had much commercial success in the United States and has a cult following.
I think that to be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, people -at least most people - should have at least either heard of the performer (or band) or should at least be somewhat familiar (or even have heard) some of their music. I think that to be in the Hall or Fame, the performer should have the distinction of having made a dent - or a scar - on the music world and that their music is a part of the American fabric. It's called the Hall of Fame, after all.
How Rush isn't in the Hall of Fame yet is beyond me. How Alice Cooper and Bon Jovi aren't in yet, either, is equally puzzling. Kinda makes me dubious of the Hall altogether.
The Assassination of Yogi Bear by the Coward Boo Boo
This would be the only way I would ever agree to go see this movie in the theater.
I finally agree with John McCain
From the Drudge Report:
U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) delivered the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. Senate:
“In the short time I’ve had to review this massive piece of legislation – I’ve identified approximately 6,488 earmarks totaling nearly $8.3 billion. Here is a small sample:
$277,000 for potato pest management in Wisconsin
$246,000 for bovine tuberculosis in Michigan and Minnesota
$522,000 for cranberry and blueberry disease and breeding in New Jersey
$500,000 for oyster safety in Florida
$349,000 for swine waste management in North Carolina
$413,000 for peanut research in Alabama
$247,000 for virus free wine grapes in Washington
$208,000 beaver management in North Carolina
$94,000 for blackbird management in Louisiana
$165,000 for maple syrup research in Vermont
$235,000 for noxious weed management in Nevada
$100,000 for the Edgar Allen Poe Cottage Visitor’s Center in New York
$300,000 for the Polynesian Voyaging Society in Hawaii
$400,000 for solar parking canopies and plug-in electric stations in Kansas
“Additionally, the bill earmarks $727,000 to compensate ranchers in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan whenever endangered wolves eat their cattle. As my colleagues know, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Gray Wolf program is under intense scrutiny for wasting millions of taxpayer dollars every year to ‘recover’ endangered wolves that are now overpopulating the West and Midwest. My State of Arizona has a similar wolf program but ranchers in my state aren’t getting $727,000 in this bill.
“It is December 14th – we are 22 days away from the beginning of a new Congress and nearly three full months into fiscal year 2011 – and yet we have not debated a single spending bill or considered any amendments to cut costs or get our debt under control. Furthermore, the majority decided that they just didn’t feel like doing a budget this year. How is that responsible leadership?
“This is the ninth omnibus appropriations bill we have considered in this body since 2000. That is shameful and we should be embarrassed by the fact that we care so little about doing the people’s business that we continuously put off fulfilling our constitutional responsibilities until the very last minute.
“One thing is abundantly clear to me – that the majority has not learned the lessons of last month’s election. The American people could not have been more clear. They are tired of wasteful spending. They are tired of big government. They are tired of sweetheart deals for special interests. They are tired of business as usual in Washington. And they are tired of massive bills – just like this one - put together behind closed doors, and rammed through the Congress at the last moment so that no one has the opportunity to read them and no one really knows what kind of waste is in them. "
government waste,
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Great Song, Amazing Video
I haven't seen a video that captures the mood and message of a song like this one does in a long, long time.
Thanks to Kristi for turning me on to this song, and for the life that we share, simply. :)
Thanks to Kristi for turning me on to this song, and for the life that we share, simply. :)
things that are awesome,
Monday, December 13, 2010
Dear Santa...
From the NY Daily News:
Navy scientists set a world record Friday during a test of an electromagnetic railgun, a tractor-trailer sized weapon that sends a 20-pound projectile rocketing through the air at seven times the speed of sound.
The futuristic gun was tested twice at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, Va., and the first shot generated 33 megajoules of force out of the barrel, a world record for muzzle energy, the scientists said.
One megajoule is a unit of energy roughly equal to the energy generated by a 1-ton vehicle moving at 100 MPH. The same rail gun generated about 10 megajoules during a test two years ago.
Instead of relying on explosive propellants like gunpowder to fire, the gun uses a giant surge of electricity to propel the slug out of the barrel at speeds that can approach Mach 8 and can strike targets more than 100 miles away.
Charles Garnett, a project manager on the railgun experiment, told the Post that the gun gets its power the same way a pocket camera builds up energy to operate its flash, but on a much larger scale.
things that are awesome
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Now That's Just Tacky
I couldn't believe it when I was reading coverage of President Obama turning a press conference over to former President Clinton and ran across this sentence:
I'll bet he did.
"Clinton gave the package his full-throated endorsement..."
I'll bet he did.
bad journalism,
Obama Hands the Reigns to Clinton
From Real Clear Politics:
Wait. So... wha????? What the hell just happened? President Clinton again? Wha??????
Watch the video. Seriously.
Former President Bill Clinton gave a statement after his meeting with President Obama about his tax compromise with the Republicans.
However, after his statement, Clinton began to call on and take questions from the press with Obama at his side. Obama leaves promptly after a few moments and said he had to see Michelle, as he was keeping her "waiting."
"I don't want to make her mad, please go," Clinton told Obama.
Wait. So... wha????? What the hell just happened? President Clinton again? Wha??????
Watch the video. Seriously.
Speaking of Train Wrecks...
From TMZ:
So Miley is smoking hallucinogenic herbs out of bongs now? That actually kinda helps explain the last season of Hannah Montana.
Miley Cyrus celebrated her 18th birthday by experimenting with a bong and catching a case of the giggles -- but sources say she was not smoking marijuana.
According to a source connected with Miley ... the smoke filling the bong is a natural herb called salvia which has psychedelic qualities. Possession of salvia is legal in California.
So Miley is smoking hallucinogenic herbs out of bongs now? That actually kinda helps explain the last season of Hannah Montana.
Miley Cyrus,
Friday, December 10, 2010
Train Wreck Coming
From /film (reporting a review of an early screening of Cars 2):
I hate to hear this. I truly love Cars, and I would love nothing more than to see a genuinely heartwarming followup to the original, as they did with the Toy Story movies. But when I saw the trailer, I started to get worried. Looks like my fears my be coming true. Sometimes I hate it when I'm right.
"There’s no focus on McQueen, despite it being his race that gets Mater into the film’s plot, and everyone else including Sally are relegated to making cameo appearances. The bigger plot and bigger locations keep the cast out of Radiator Springs for 95% of the movie and there’s no nostalgia or charm in the cold world of Europe. Cars 2 plays like an animated Austin Powers or any other sequel that gets a bigger budget and thinks everything should be “more!” Cars 2 is good, but it never feels PIXAR good. At times the movie plays like a sequel made to capitalize on the merchandise sales and goodwill of the original. The side characters are highly entertaining but this should be retitled “Mater” as there’s no connection to the original characters.”
I hate to hear this. I truly love Cars, and I would love nothing more than to see a genuinely heartwarming followup to the original, as they did with the Toy Story movies. But when I saw the trailer, I started to get worried. Looks like my fears my be coming true. Sometimes I hate it when I'm right.
The Wealth of Nations Comes to Life
Huge thanks to Matt for passing this along.
things that are awesome,
Comedy Central Proves Just How Un-Funny They've Become
Comedy Central: This Is 2011 | |||| | ||||
I don't hate it. I just don't think it says "fun" or "funny."
Your Laziness is Putting You at Risk
I can't believe that "security experts" are surprised by this. When Exxon started using this technology in their Speedpass, followed by credit card companies, I saw the flaw instantly. It's the reason why I never got anything with RFID technology built in. Purchasing things shouldn't be that easy. It's the same reason I don't do "one-click purchasing" online, either.
Any time information is available - whether it be credit card numbers or personal info - through the air just by being in proximity to someone with a scanner, you're a wide-open target. I hate that the government is using this in any way, even though it's only imbedded in passports - for now. It's only a matter of time before someone gets the bright idea to imbed this in drivers licenses, simply for "informational purposes," of course. They'll start by using it to count numbers of people going through a public place, such as a subway system or airport.
But it's only a small step from there before scanners are powerful enough to scan people at a distance and get a readout - purely for "safety reasons," don'tchaknow. The next time there's an amber alert, police can check the identity of drivers without stopping them or even alerting them to their presence, simply by routing all traffic through a scanner checkpoint. On routine traffic stops, police will be able to scan a car and all the occupants from their own vehicle without even having to place themselves in danger by walking up to the vehicle. Police will be able to simply drive by a criminal's house to make sure they aren't violating their curfew. But what if the criminal simply leaves their license at home? Tracking bracelets with embedded chips would do, but why not just go ahead an implant a chip beneath a criminal's skin just to make sure they don't somehow find a way to get them off?
And once the government starts embedding chips in people, it gets all 1984-ish pretty quickly from there.
It might seem like I'm going off a tinfoil-hat cliff here, but think about how much government encroachment has occurred just in the last twenty years. Remember how far-fetched body-image scanners were when the movie "Total Recall" was released in the 1980s? Did you ever think you'd see the day when we would have to take off our shoes and submit to a third-base grope session just to board a plane? Is it really that far-fetched to think that the government might try to exert additional control over its citizens or try to keep track of their movements in the name of safety and security? And is it too far-fetched to think that they would use technology like this to do it?
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Less of a Man
Am I less of a man because I don't hunt?
... because I only fish every now and then?
... because I don't watch every game that's on all weekend?
... because I'm not into cars?
... because I don't go out every day after work to drink with the guys?
... because I don't have a girlfriend on the side?
... because I don't wear a hat?
... because I don't know how to rebuild an engine?
... because I don't play golf very often?
... because my truck isn't a diesel?
... because it can't pull fifty times its own weight?
... because I don't often wear boots?
... because I don't own a boat?
... because I don't have a beard?
... because I choose to spend my weekends with my family?
Does wanting to do my own thing, in my own way, with the people I choose, make me less of man?
Or does it make me more? Does it make me me?
... because I only fish every now and then?
... because I don't watch every game that's on all weekend?
... because I'm not into cars?
... because I don't go out every day after work to drink with the guys?
... because I don't have a girlfriend on the side?
... because I don't wear a hat?
... because I don't know how to rebuild an engine?
... because I don't play golf very often?
... because my truck isn't a diesel?
... because it can't pull fifty times its own weight?
... because I don't often wear boots?
... because I don't own a boat?
... because I don't have a beard?
... because I choose to spend my weekends with my family?
Does wanting to do my own thing, in my own way, with the people I choose, make me less of man?
Or does it make me more? Does it make me me?
The Secret Space Shuttle
From Discovery News:
Shrouded by darkness, the military’s miniature space shuttle -- a unmanned robotic craft -- returned early Friday from a trial run in orbit that spanned 224 days.
The Orbital Test Vehicle, also known as the X-37B, touched down at 1:16 a.m. PST at California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base, becoming the first U.S. vehicle to make an autonomous runway landing from space.
Rather than hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells like the space shuttle orbiters, the X-37B is powered by gallium arsenide solar cells with lithium-ion batteries. It is designed to stay in orbit for up to 270 days, deorbit itself and land autonomously on a runway. NASA’s space shuttles can stay in space for up to about three weeks.
So now there's a secret space program with a space orbiter? Well, there's this one that they're telling us about. What if there were actually two - or more?
Government exploring technology that would disable cell phones in cars
From The Hill:
So they want to make it so that your car actually blocks your cell signal? Each car (tuck or van) would basically turn into a tiny little cell phone jamming device rolling down the road. Ridiculous.
What about passengers who want to make phone calls?
What about emergencies?
And wouldn't any nearby pedestrians by constantly dropping calls as cars roll by, especially where there a lot of cars, such as the parking lot at the grocery store?
More "government think" bullcrap as a solution to a problem.
And for the record, I don't think cell phones are the most important issue. People texting while driving is is larger issue here. Now that, I believe, needs to be made illegal.
The Transportation Department is looking into technology to disable cell phones in vehicles, according to Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood.
"There's a lot of technology out there that can disable phones and we're looking at that," LaHood said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."
"A number of those people came to our distracted driving meeting here in Washington and that's one way," he said.
So they want to make it so that your car actually blocks your cell signal? Each car (tuck or van) would basically turn into a tiny little cell phone jamming device rolling down the road. Ridiculous.
What about passengers who want to make phone calls?
What about emergencies?
And wouldn't any nearby pedestrians by constantly dropping calls as cars roll by, especially where there a lot of cars, such as the parking lot at the grocery store?
More "government think" bullcrap as a solution to a problem.
And for the record, I don't think cell phones are the most important issue. People texting while driving is is larger issue here. Now that, I believe, needs to be made illegal.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Best funeral ever
I can't think of a better way to attend a funeral than with Noble asleep on my chest, Kayci snuggled in by my side and holding Kristi's hand.
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