Forget Ammunition, Canned Food and Gasoline - Stock Up On Canned Pumpkin! That's where the true value this fall will be. There's a pumpkin shortage on, and that's bad news for fall fun. But worst of all - and nearing mind-blowingly cataclysmic circumstances is...
From the Washington Times:
Another fall symbol, the pumpkin pie, may take a hit by Thanksgiving. Last year's weak harvest in Illinois, which leads the nation's pumpkin industry, has led to a shortage of canned pumpkin.
Shoppers reported that they could scarcely find canned pumpkin on the shelves of grocery stores in the past few months. Roz O'Hearn, a spokeswoman for Nestle SA, the parent company of canned-pumpkin leader Libby's, said help is on the way.
"If you looked [during] the last few months, canned pumpkin was not on the store shelves," Ms. O'Hearn said. "There were a lot of weather issues with last year's harvest which left us without a surplus."
...which means that any canned pumpkin you find is going to skyrocket in price.
Who are you going to believe? Good old trusty Destructo or some chick who hangs out in pumpkin patches waiting for the great pumpkin? Forget porkbellies. Buy pumpkin!!!!!!!
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