Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Kristi and the kids are out of town today, and when they are I generally treat myself to barbecue at my favorite local barbecue place, Big Daddy's. Big Daddy's is actually inside a gas station - that's a story for another time.

After I paid for my food, imagine my surprise when I turned around and saw this:

Pepsi and Mountain Dew Throwback! In new (vintage look) packaging! In Brenham, Texas!

I was so giddy I bought all four twelve packs.

I haven't opened the Pepsi yet, but here's a shot of the Mountain Dew can. It's wonderful, and I love that they went all the way back to the original Hillbilly and white packaging.

It's probably a good thing Kristi is out of town because I'm probably going to spend the evening, now, in a Throwback-induced stupor.

Thanks, Pepsi and Big Daddy's. I love you, too.

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