I've always been very protective of my Bitty. Just ask the two nurses who I almost attacked when she was a baby. I thought they were hurting her, and I blanked out and set out on my way across the room to bust some head. Luckily Kristi snapped me out of it before I could lay a hand on either of them.
So a phone call and subsequent
blog post on Kristi's blog explaining a conversation they had this morning has really disturbed me.
I know she can't stay little and innocent forever. And I'm glad we live where we so she doesn't have to be exposed to a lot of the stuff she would be in Houston or somewhere else. But she turns six this week, and it's just going a little too quickly for my taste.
Kristi, Kayci and I were sitting in the car having a little picnic after we picked up Kayci from VBS today and suddenly got very, very sad. There's nothing I want more than to share this time of her life with her, especially during the summer. I would love to take the summer off and to just play as a family with Kristi and the kids - to go to the pool every day, to go fishing, to go to the beach, to walk to the snow cone stand, to take naps, to read, to play in the sprinkler or the hose, to ride bikes, to just be silly. I know that my parents, or at least my dad, didn't have that option and that most parents don't. But that doesn't make me want it any less.
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