I finally got my first taste of Pepsi Throwback over the weekend, and let me tell you - it was everything I imagined it would be.
The first thing you notice when you bring the can to your lips is the smell. It even smells different. It smells exactly the way it should. It as if some time in the late-'80s the timeline broke off to create an alternate timeline where soft drinks were good, but not perfect. But the perfect suddenly returned in a little 12 ounce bundle from the original reality.
Drinking Throwback is amazing. As I took my first sip, I was suddenly transported back to my formative years. It was almost like that scene in Ratatoulli when the critic tastes the mouse chef's food. All of a sudden, I was 12 and it was summer. I can remember sitting up late at night watching Saturday Night Live drinking Pepsi (from steel cans back then) and eating string cheese. That's the summer I remember playing a lot of Nintendo with my friends. I can hear the tune to Zelda even now...
But drinking Throwback is definitely meant to be savored. I found myself at one point over the weekend guzzling the drink and realized that when consumed like that, that it's no better than its alternate reality high fructose corn syrup self. Maybe that's why people didn't revolt and riot in the streets The Day the Goodness Died. We've become such a Buy-N-Large high volume, 44 ounces for 79 cents bigger is better society that we're so busy consuming that we don't even take the time to notice - or to care - what kind of evil we're putting into our bodies.
I will say that Kayci really seemed to enjoy having Pepsi Throwback around, but I'm not sure if it's just because she knows that I'm happy about it or if she really likes it or if she was just relishing getting to drink a lot of soft drinks over the weekend.
Which brings me to the saddest part of the weekend. Kayci and I were sharing a Throwback outside while working on the deck. We set it down and kept working. There was about a quarter of a can left. Then Kristi began using the leaf blower to blow off the deck, and dirt got everywhere. Including into our can of Throwback. And we had to throw it away. I tried not to let my family see me, but I cried a little as I dropped that can into the recycling bag. It's a good thing that Kristi is the one that brought the Throwback home and brought such goodness into our lives in the first place. Otherwise, I'd be shopping for a new mom for the kids.
Ahem...it was not a quarter of a can--it was the wee little bit of BACKWASH that Kayci leaves whenever she drinks out of your (fill in the blank here). And speaking of...yesterday at lunch Noble was drinking out of my lemonade cup. I forget why, but I ended up pouring some out of my cup into James' cup (maybe so Noble could have some closer to him, I forget) but when James took a drink he grimaced. Floaties! Gotta love life with kids.
And trust me, any other mother would run screaming from this house. You're stuck with me, Boy-o.
It was, indeed, a quarter of a can. Actually, no.... come to think of it - it was closer to a HALF a can.
Things in Destructoville be larger than they appear.
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